Human Ressources Director à la carte

Agile HR support for entrepreneurs

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HR challenges:

  • Attract the right collaborators with good mentality
  • Motivate the team and in particular the new generation
  • Keep the good employees
  • Find my way in the legal and administrative scope in perpetual change
  • Let you the time to focus on the business
  • RH support without the budget to pay a full-time experimented HR Director.

Our mission : Support you to overcome these challenges with professionalism

HR challenges coming first to the mind of entrepreneurs and SME during our interviews

Attract good collaborators

  • We come to your office as HR manager and work together with your teams at the rythm defined together.

Technical support (legal & administrative)

  • Salary processing (social office)
  • Legal advices
  • HR audit of your company

Keep the good collaborators

  • Career and succession plan
  • Annual assessment interview plan and feedback process implementation
  • Alignment workshops with the teams
  • Group or individual coaching
  • Assessment & Developement Centre

Good mindset and atmosphere

  • Co-creation of Mission, Vision, Values & behaviours
  • Alignment workshops with the teams
  • Motivational workshops

Correct HR strategy

  • Orgchart design, Roles & Responsability definitions, RACI matrix co-created with you
  • Organisational design (3 years plan of your company ambitions, required skillset definition, HR screening & assessment, HR strategy plan)
  • new ways of working