Our services

What is included in the mission of a HRD

  • HR audit of your company
  • HR Strategic challenge of the managerial team
  • Oranisational design (3 years plan of your company ambitions, required skillset definition, HR screening & assessment, HR strategy plan)
  • Orgchart design, Roles & Responsability definitions, RACI matrix co-created with you
  • Co-creation of Mission, Vision, Values & behaviours
  • Succession planning
  • Implementation of assessment and feedback processes

Additional services that can be proposed by our back office/support team (Coordinated by your partial time HRD)

  • Recrutment
  • Payroll (social office)
  • Assessment & Development Center
  • Toolbox for the onboarding
  • Change program
  • Organisational
  • Team coaching
  • Workshop and team building
  • Personal coaching (NLP)
  • Management training


On demand